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  • [H1] The Most Distant Places Visited by the Romans: Africa, Scandinavia, China, India, Arabia & Other Far-Flung Lands
  • [H1] Enter an Archive of 7,000 Historical Children’s Books, All Digitized & Free to Read Online
  • [H1] Coursera Offers $100 Off of Coursera Plus (Until September 29), Giving You Unlimited Access to Courses & Certificates
  • [H1] The Biggest Mistakes in Mapmaking History
  • [H1] Doctors in Brussels Can Now Prescribe Museum Visits as Treatments for Stress, Anxiety & Depression
  • [H1] How the World Trade Center Was Rebuilt: A Visual Exploration of a 20-Year Project
  • [H1] Why Mapmakers Once Thought California Was an Island
  • [H1] The Art of Translating Hamilton into German: “So Kribbeln Schmetterlinge, Wenn Sie Starten”
  • [H1] Revisit Louise Brooks’ Most Iconic Role in the Too-Sexy-for-Weimar Silent Film Pandora’s Box (1928)
  • [H1] Goodbye to the Nakagin Capsule Tower, Tokyo’s Strangest and Most Utopian Apartment Building
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We thank you in advance!!\n\n","overlay-color":"#000000","bg-color":"#FFFFFF","text-color":"#000000","scope":"page","style":"modal"}};!function(){var t={50:function(t,e,n){var r=n(117);function a(t){var e,n;function a(e,n){try{var i=t[e](n),c=i.value,s=c instanceof r;Promise.resolve(s?c.wrapped:c).then((function(t){s?a("return"===e?"return":"next",t):o(i.done?"return":"normal",t)}),(function(t){a("throw",t)}))}catch(t){o("throw",t)}}function o(t,r){switch(t){case"return":e.resolve({value:r,done:!0});break;case"throw":e.reject(r);break;default:e.resolve({value:r,done:!1})}(,e.arg):n=null}this._invoke=function(t,r){return new Promise((function(o,i){var c={key:t,arg:r,resolve:o,reject:i,next:null};n?,a(t,r))}))},"function"!=typeof t.return&&(this.return=void 0)}"function"==typeof Symbol&&Symbol.asyncIterator&&(a.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator]=function(){return this}),{return this._invoke("next",t)},a.prototype.throw=function(t){return 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a;this._invoke=function(t,r){function o(){return new e((function(e,a){n(t,r,e,a)}))}return a=a?a.then(o,o):o()}}function k(t,n){var r=t.iterator[n.method];if(r===e){if(n.delegate=null,"throw"===n.method){if(t.iterator.return&&(n.method="return",n.arg=e,k(t,n),"throw"===n.method))return y;n.method="throw",n.arg=new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method")}return y}var a=l(r,t.iterator,n.arg);if("throw"===a.type)return n.method="throw",n.arg=a.arg,n.delegate=null,y;var o=a.arg;return o?o.done?(n[t.resultName]=o.value,,"return"!==n.method&&(n.method="next",n.arg=e),n.delegate=null,y):o:(n.method="throw",n.arg=new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"),n.delegate=null,y)}function I(t){var e={tryLoc:t[0]};1 in t&&(e.catchLoc=t[1]),2 in t&&(e.finallyLoc=t[2],e.afterLoc=t[3]),this.tryEntries.push(e)}function S(t){var e=t.completion||{};e.type="normal",delete e.arg,t.completion=e}function O(t){this.tryEntries=[{tryLoc:"root"}],t.forEach(I,this),this.reset(!0)}function 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arrested at a Pacific Northwest “fish-in” Extern doFollow
Interactive Map Shows the Seizure of Over 1.5 Billion Acres of Native American Land Between 1776 and 1887 Intern doFollow
Albert Einstein Sports a Native American Headdress and a Peace Pipe at the Grand Canyon, 1931 Intern doFollow
1,000+ Haunting & Beautiful Photos of Native American Peoples, Shot by the Ethnographer Edward S. Curtis (Circa 1905) Intern doFollow
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The Most Distant Places Visited by the Romans: Africa, Scandinavia, China, India, Arabia & Other Far-Flung Lands Intern doFollow
unprecedentedly detailed world map Extern doFollow
“The Most Distant Places Visited by the Romans,” Extern doFollow
Told in Stone Extern doFollow
A Map Showing How the Ancient Romans Envisioned the World in 40 AD Intern doFollow
Ancient Rome’s System of Roads Visualized in the Style of Modern Subway Maps Intern doFollow
The First Transit Map: a Close Look at the Subway-Style Tabula Peutingeriana of the 5th-Century Roman Empire Intern doFollow
Human All Too Human: A Roman Woman Visits the Great Pyramid in 120 AD, and Carves a Poem in Memory of Her Deceased Brother Intern doFollow
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Enter an Archive of 7,000 Historical Children’s Books, All Digitized & Free to Read Online Intern doFollow
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writes Newcastle University professor M.O. Grenby Extern doFollow
children’s and young adult books now drive sales in publishing Extern doFollow
University of Florida’s Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature Extern doFollow
Christina Rossetti Extern doFollow
Caldecott Medal Extern doFollow
Jules Verne’s Extern doFollow
800 Free eBooks for iPad, Kindle & Other Devices Intern doFollow
The First Children’s Picture Book, 1658’s Orbis Sensualium Pictus Intern doFollow
The Anti-Slavery Alphabet: 1846 Book Teaches Kids the ABCs of Slavery’s Evils Intern doFollow
The International Children’s Digital Library Offers Free eBooks for Kids in Over 40 Languages Intern doFollow
@jdmagness Extern doFollow
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Coursera Offers $100 Off of Coursera Plus (Until September 29), Giving You Unlimited Access to Courses & Certificates Intern doFollow
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a $100 discount on its annual subscription plan called “Coursera Plus.” Extern doFollow
1,700 Free Online Courses from Top Universities Intern doFollow
Google & Coursera Launch Career Certificates That Prepare Students for Jobs in 6 Months: Data Analytics, Project Management and UX Design Intern doFollow
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The Biggest Mistakes in Mapmaking History Intern doFollow
Maps Intern doFollow
every world map is wrong Intern doFollow
the Spanish maps that for more than a century “depicted the ‘Island of California’ detached from the rest of the continent” Intern doFollow
still hangs today in the New York Public Library Intern doFollow
“Mercator projection” Extern doFollow
The Evolution of the World Map: An Inventive Infographic Shows How Our Picture of the World Changed Over 1,800 Years Intern doFollow
The Largest Early Map of the World Gets Assembled for the First Time: See the Huge, Detailed & Fantastical World Map from 1587 Intern doFollow
The “True Size” Maps Shows You the Real Size of Every Country (and Will Change Your Mental Picture of the World) Intern doFollow
Japanese Designers May Have Created the Most Accurate Map of Our World: See the AuthaGraph Intern doFollow
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Doctors in Brussels Can Now Prescribe Museum Visits as Treatments for Stress, Anxiety & Depression Intern doFollow
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Image by Tomás Fano, via Wikimedia Commons Extern doFollow
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reports’s Molly Enking Extern doFollow
Sewer Museum Extern doFollow
Fashion and Lace Museum Extern doFollow
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Manneken Pis Wardrobe Extern doFollow
writes Politico’s Ana Fota Extern doFollow
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British Doctors To Prescribe Arts & Culture to Patients: “The Arts Are Essential to our Health and Wellbeing” Intern doFollow
New Study: Immersing Yourself in Art, Music & Nature Might Reduce Inflammation & Increase Life Expectancy Intern doFollow
Why Med Schools Are Requiring Students to Take Art Classes, and How It Makes Med Students Better Doctors Intern doFollow
Your Brain on Art: The Emerging Science of Neuroaesthetics Probes What Art Does to Our Brains Intern doFollow
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How the World Trade Center Was Rebuilt: A Visual Exploration of a 20-Year Project Intern doFollow
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“How the World Trade Center Was Rebuilt,” Extern doFollow
Neo Extern doFollow
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Extern doFollow
World Trade Center Transportation Hub Extern doFollow
Watch the Building of the Empire State Building in Color: The Creation of the Iconic 1930s Skyscraper From Start to Finish Intern doFollow
New York’s Lost Skyscraper: The Rise and Fall of the Singer Tower Intern doFollow
Watch the Completely Unsafe, Vertigo-Inducing Footage of Workers Building New York’s Iconic Skyscrapers Intern doFollow
When The Who Saved New York City After 9/11: Watch Their Cathartic Madison Square Garden Set (October 20, 2001) Intern doFollow
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Johnny Harris Extern doFollow
“The Biggest Mapping Mistake of All Time,” Extern doFollow
Download 67,000 Historic Maps (in High Resolution) from the Wonderful David Rumsey Map Collection Intern doFollow
The History of Cartography, the “Most Ambitious Overview of Map Making Ever,” Now Free Online Intern doFollow
The 38 States of America: Geography Professor Creates a Bold Modern Map of America (1973) Intern doFollow
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Translator Kevin Schroeder Extern doFollow
Sera Finale Extern doFollow
46 numbers Extern doFollow
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Avenue Q summed up as Extern doFollow
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Extremely Rare Technicolor Film Footage from the 1920s Discovered: Features Louise Brooks Dancing in Her First Feature Film Intern doFollow
10 Classic German Expressionist Films: From Nosferatu to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Intern doFollow
Enjoy the Greatest Silent Films Ever Made in Our Collection of 101 Free Silent Films Online Intern doFollow
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Goodbye to the Nakagin Capsule Tower, Tokyo’s Strangest and Most Utopian Apartment Building Intern doFollow
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Kurokawa Kisho Extern doFollow
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replaced every 25 years Extern doFollow
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its capsules will now scatter across the world Extern doFollow
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Beauty of Brutalist Architecture: An Introduction in Six Videos Intern doFollow
How the Radical Buildings of the Bauhaus Revolutionized Architecture: A Short Introduction Intern doFollow
Why Do People Hate Modern Architecture?: A Video Essay Intern doFollow
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